As you cross items off your holiday shopping list this month, here are a few gift ideas for all those tea lovers and foodies on your list!
You’ll find gifts for every budget, and all are items we use and love (no one paid us to be included) … plus a few from our own wish list.
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In the spirit of full disclosure, products mentioned on this page may be affiliate links, which means if you click on them to purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation (which helps us create new recipes and other fun stuff). But know that we never recommend a product we wouldn’t be willing to use ourselves. We’re either familiar with the company behind the products or have used them in our own kitchen. You will not pay more for buying a product through our link. In fact, sometimes we’re able to offer special promotions to our readers. We’re disclosing this in accordance with FTC regulations regarding endorsements. Thanks for your support!
Gifts for Bakers
Gifts for Fruit & Veggie Lovers
Gifts for Tea Lovers
Tuffy Steeper – $9
Tea Explorations Journal – $12.95
And of course … any of our black, green, oolong, tisane/herbal, or rooibos loose teas make great gifts!
Gifts for Entertainers
Gifts for All Foodies